Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update 6/8/2011

Thank you again for all of those who are praying for Amy and Rob. I spoke with Amy today...she had a doctors appointment and I am afraid it is more bad news. At this point the fluid is starting to pretty much take over the baby's body and causing more issues for other organs.
The kidneys are beginning to fail and the lungs are not developing properly because of the fluid not draining.

The doctor seemed to think that it would be about two weeks and the heart would stop beating.
As of yesterday the heart was still beating, and Amy will go back to the doctor next week to monitor the heart.

Thank you again for all of your prayers, and I will update the blog with new info as I have it.


1 comment:

  1. Any updates Jacquelyn? We have been praying for Amy and Rob and the baby!
