Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sorry for the late update

I am sorry that I am just now updating this blog... I didn't really realize how many people were actually checking it! My last post left off by saying Amy was in the hospital and in labor and delivery. Amy spent two days in the hospital and did not end up going into labor. Her doctor said that the pain she was having was not contractions. The doctor sent Amy home with pain medication. She began hurting again very badly last Saturday and Rob took her back to the hospital (her doctor was on call) and they ran more tests and sonograms to try and figure out why she was in so much pain. Sweet Sarah was able to come and spend the day with my family and it was good to see her cute smiling face in the middle of everything that has been going on!

Amy was kept at the hospital over night that night and the doctor told her that she needed to go home. Amy was worried that she was still hurting and having to take pain medication because the pain was still so unbearable. The doctor agreed to let her stay another night for observation. Rob was able to go home that night and sleep in his own bed which I think was good for him.

At this point there is no real news to report other than we are all still waiting. Amy went to the doctor on Friday and they said the baby is still alive, there is still a heartbeat, but the lungs are still continuing to fill up with fluid. There has been no report on the outcome of tests that were done to see about other issues that may be wrong with the baby.

When I was talking to Amy on Friday after the doctor she was pretty down, as she was riding up the elevator at the doctors office a complete stranger smiling reached out and touched her belly and asked if she was excited and when she was due.... Amy tried to brush it off and not say much but the lady just kept on and on, so she finally had engage in a conversation with her which was very hard.

I think this has caused Amy to not want to leave the house much because she knows that is probably not the last time that she is going to have to have a conversation like that with a complete stranger. Please pray that the Lord would give her strength in situations such as these that he would protect her, and give her the words to say.

At this point the baby and Amy are still growing by the day and of course she does not feel much like shopping for clothes, so I have been trying to help gather up maternity clothes that will fit so that she does not have to go into those stores or departments and spend money and hopefully shield her from uncomfortable conversation with others shopping or store clerks.

Thank you to all who have been praying for both Amy and Rob, I know that the prayers are appreciated! Please continue to pray for both she and Rob as things are still hard day to day.

Thank you again and I will be sure to update with any news as I get it now that I know how many people are reading this blog!



  1. I am totally out of the loop, for which I apologize! But how did this start? How did they know the baby was in trouble? I have them in my prayers and Jeff and I have heavy hearts for them. Tell them we love them.

  2. Thanks for the update Jacquelyn. I am continuing to pray. Love to all of you especially sweet Amy.
